Reading the hundreds of heart-breaking testimonies that continue to pour into the Liberty and Health Alliance inbox has driven us to our knees in prayer like never before, interceding for those losing their jobs and livelihoods because of their convictions.

Indeed, these are the times that try men’s souls. Sometimes you just feel like giving up and giving in–buckling to the pressure of vaccine coercion.

But for the most courageous among us, when mandates meet conviction, these are the ones who stand as true to duty as the needle to the pole.

In standing up against vaccine mandates, they have stood strong for God! They have sacrificed their dreams, their educational pursuits, their career aspirations. And the God in whom they place their trust is their firm foundation, their only hope.

THIS Friday evening at 9:00pm EST we will feature some of these tragic but inspiring stories in our latest LIVE online event entitled:

Vaccine Mandates: Force and Freedom on the Front Lines

In addition to our line-up of guest speakers, the feature presentation will be a collection of those from around the world who’ve been pressured, threatened, coerced–who have put it all on the line, even losing their jobs for their beliefs.

We are eager to give them a chance to share their story and to ask them…

Why do you continue to stand for liberty of conscience in the face of these mandates? 

What do you hope/expect that God will do – or is already doing – for you in this time of crisis for your family? 

You won’t regret hearing their heart, their perspective, and their journey with God. Of everybody caught up in the mess of these unprecedented times, these are the folks who deserve to be heard most of all.
