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Livestream Links for 6/25/2022 Messages

The links to the afternoon and evening programs will be posted here as soon as available.
Independent Thought Rendered Impossible – Scott Ritsema (Rumble)

Independent Thought Rendered Impossible – Scott Ritsema (Rumble)

A short clip of Scott Ritsema going into the topic of education. Where is the education system leading to? Children’s minds are losing their individuality and creativity that God has bestowed upon His creatures. Click the link to see the Rumble...
Friday Night Live Event— Vaccine Mandates: Force and Freedom on the Front Lines

Friday Night Live Event— Vaccine Mandates: Force and Freedom on the Front Lines

Reading the hundreds of heart-breaking testimonies that continue to pour into the Liberty and Health Alliance inbox has driven us to our knees in prayer like never before, interceding for those losing their jobs and livelihoods because of their convictions. Indeed,...
A Pretense of Zeal

A Pretense of Zeal

One of the greatest gifts God has given to humanity is the freedom of choice. To love, or not to love. To obey, or not to obey. When humanity fell to temptation in the Garden of Eden and was taken captive by Satan, we would have remained slaves and in bondage to sin...
Liberty of Conscience Document with Ben Carson

Liberty of Conscience Document with Ben Carson

Liberty of Conscience Document: Official Release and Global Appeal By God’s grace, there have been [get_sheet_value location=”Stats!B3″] signatures – thousands of which are from our leading Adventist medical professionals and pastors. They are...
Legal Update and Q&A-Answering your vaccine mandate questions!

Legal Update and Q&A-Answering your vaccine mandate questions!

Legal Update and Q&A with Attorneys, Jonathan Zirkle and Jonathon Cherne Moderated by Scott Ritsema Originally aired on Sunday at 5pm PST / 8pm EST.  Liberty and Health Alliance has been hard at work on multiple fronts in defense of liberty of conscience. Now get...
The Pastoral Letter for Vaccine Exemption

The Pastoral Letter for Vaccine Exemption

If either you or a loved one is applying for a religious exemption from an employer’s vaccine mandate, a letter from a pastor is not required! (See previous blog entry HERE ) Many employers, either ignorant of the law or ignoring the law, are asking for a pastoral...
Early Treatment Suppressed and National Mandate. What’s Next? A Special Live Meeting

Early Treatment Suppressed and National Mandate. What’s Next? A Special Live Meeting

On 9/12/21 at 8 p.m. EST, Liberty and Health Alliance will host a live presentation entitled, “Early Treatment Suppressed and National Mandate. What’s Next?” Speakers include Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Mike Racine, Pastor James Rafferty, Pastor Miguel...
Covid Symposium-Village SDA Church

Covid Symposium-Village SDA Church

The COVID: Coercion and Conscience Symposium was held at the Village SDA Church in Michigan in August 2021, featuring renowned speakers that cover topics such as prevention and early treatment, liberty of conscience, exemptions, and legal help. These videos have been...
How to get a Vaccine Exemption… Your Questions Answered

How to get a Vaccine Exemption… Your Questions Answered

Liberty and Health Alliance hosted a presentation on how to get a vaccine exemption. Legal experts, Jonathan Zirkle JD as well as Jonathon Cherne JD shared their expert advice, and Scott Ritsema moderated....